About Me
My name is Cherese (pronounced: share-reese). 'Rese' is a nickname I tend to dole out, as very few people pronounce my name correctly (yes, this is even after I correct them. The struggle is real). I am a Black female artist based in Connecticut, U.S. I have lived here my entire life.
I started my art journey in 2019 in the midst of an extremely difficult battle of depression. I'd dabbled in it before, but it was more in a school requirement kind of way. However, I have ALWAYS been a creative person. Over the years, my hobbies have included: writing, television production, 3D modeling, Photoshop, photography, and a whole lot more! I still do quite a few of them on the side to unwind.
I am always happiest when I create, and it has never been limited to just one thing!
I started off with watercolor coloring books, then eventually gathered the courage to start learning how to do it on my own. As much as I enjoyed coloring in those books. I was struggling to learn the medium. I started following watercolor artists online, then found tutorials online via YouTube and eventually, I joined Skillshare! In other words, I taught myself.
Clearly, I love to learn!
In December of 2019, I started to post my work on my Instagram. I went by watercolorbyrese until January of 2021. My love for watercolor had expanded to other mediums, such as digital art and acrylic painting. Hence, the current name: artworkbyrese. I doubt I will even stop at those mediums. There are so many I want to try at least once!
My depression will never leave. I have accepted that. For every day I take on life with enthusiasm, I have many that destroy me. Art reminds me to live, to breathe, to enjoy, to savor. It makes me feel like I'm more than my depression.
It's a safe space—one I am more than happy to share with you. ♡
Fun Facts!

I am an indoor girl.
That's right. Despite being heavily inspired by nature, I prefer to stay at home. I'm afraid of bugs. Every time I go out into the sun, I feel like a vampire. I'm also, as that lovely mug says, an introvert. Hence why I'm a little bit aloof online.

My favorite color is purple.
I've had a love affair with this color for a looooong time. So much so, that the walls of my bedroom, curtains, sheets, pillows... all purple. I also really like donuts.

I didn't expect my art to be so colorful.
When I started this journey, I thought my art would be much like my wardrobe--black. I tried to make art that matched my headspace, but it didn't take. I just wasn't into the dark, moody colors. I've learned to embrace it.