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A Warm Welcome (and a Gift!)

Hands holding up a white book against a magenta background. In large text, the words 'It's OK to not know what you are doing' are spread across both pages of the book.It feels weird to write this blog post.

I knew that when I started this website, that I wanted my own space...not just to share news or give people a hard sell, but to talk. I like writing. I always have. 

If you've been friends with me for a long time (you know who you are) it's probably one of the first things you learn about me. It's kind of a right of passage. If I feel close to you...I show you my work.

But, as always, I'm getting off-track.


I'm Rese. It's nice to meet you. Welcome to the Artwork by Rese blog. I'll be showering you with updates on new products, cool internet finds, inspiration dumps (basically, me sharing a bunch of images that make the creative side of my brain do backflips), sales, and the occasional ramble.

If some of this doesn't interest you, don't worry. I'll have filters you can use to get to the good stuff. If some of it does, or you just wanna read more about me in general, check out the about page.

I've been working on this website for a loooong time. Arguably, a little too long, but that's another story for another day. I really hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet as much as I do. I can't wait to show you more of my journey (and help decorate your homes). 

As a thank you for sticking around, use this dope code at checkout:

For 10% off your purchase!

Just a little gift from me to you. 


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